Friday, June 29, 2012

My Dolce and Gabbana Bikini!!!

Well, first of all, my new bikini is not from Dolce and Gabbana, but if said it was, everyone would probably believe me, because it's just like this year's clothing collection.
I bought the bikini in a shop called Etam ( ), and as it was what I was looking for, I bought it. I leave you some pictures of my bikini and some Dolce and Gabbana clothes. They look the same!
 The bikini top can be worn with or without straps.

                                               My bikini

                                                 Dolce and Gabbana clothes

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Beauty tips

-Chanel's lip gloss, because is more fresh than the lipstick
-Neutrogena's body oil, because it penetrates the skin instantly without leaving it oily or sticky.
-Dior's apricot nails cream: apply before going to bed. The cuticles will be so hydrated that you won't need a manicure.

-Take 3 tablespoons of vinegar and mix them with water, hand them out on wet hair after shampooing and you'll have the most shiny hair in town.
-Drink carrot juice
-Wash your hair in the morning, it helps you wake up.
-Before buying a perfume, try it on yourself and not in those paper strips. Then, go away from the store, wear it for a couple of hours and decide if you really like it.


I have taken all this information from Ines de la Fressange's style guide.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Hello Fashionistas!
This is my new blog and it's PINK!
I've had a blog before, but it wasn't very successful and I didn't focuse in an especific topic so I decided to start again. This time my blog will focuse on the fashion world.